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Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SSVP) is an international Catholic lay organisation founded by Frederick Ozanam in 1833 to promote SPIRITUALITY amongst its members.

The fruits of our spirituality are seen by our promotion of human dignity and welfare through our service orientated works; in particular our works of mercy and charity.

At Church of St Francis Xavier, we live our faith by such works as seen by:

Catering to the basic human needs of Food , Shelter, Health Care and Education of the marginalised in and around the areas of Kuala Lumpur /Petaling Jaya.

Through our Education Home Project, Rumah Pengajian Xavier. Here we hope to correct some of the social injustices by providing the children of the poor with good long term education plan which we pray will empower the children and help them bring their respective families out of poverty in the future.

We also from time to time, provide direct assistance or ad hoc assistances to victims of various causes like Refugees, Tsunami victims in Aceh etc. Thus, in a broader context, we strive through our works to move the poor and marginalised forward and in the process help restore their basic human rights and dignity.

For the SSVP members it is the realisation of God’s call to keep our Faith Alive by Loving God and Neighbour.

Anto Joseph

Chief Coordinator

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