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Sec 14 - Sacred Heart

About BEC Section 14 Sacred Heart, Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya.

Sacred Heart Section 14 BEC

Our BEC was named “Sacred Heart Section 14 BEC” as our founders were deeply passionate about The Sacred Heart.

During the early days after our BEC’s inception, the Novena to The Sacred Heart was devoutly prayed every Friday evening in the home of our BEC Members, after which there would be burning of petitions to The Sacred Heart. Then, The Sacred Heart Statue and Novena to The Sacred Heart Prayer booklets would be carried from house to house. In addition, BEC members also gathered to celebrate the Feast of The Sacred Heart every year in the month of June.

The Sacred Heart Novena prayers has since been our anchor that bind us together as a catholic community. There was also annual BEC home mass, SFX Family Day participation, Mother’s and Father’s Day, Christmas party celebrations, Rosary, and Stations of The Cross prayers in our homes.

Although the pandemic curtailed our activities, Sacred Heart BEC members found ways to gather via zoom for our Rosary prayers every Wednesdays and Sacred Novena prayers on the 1st Friday of the month.

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