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Sec 10 - St Peter & St Paul

About BEC Section 10 St Peter and St Paul, Church of St Francis Xavier, Petaling Jaya.

23 April 2023

Eco fancy dress for Father’s
Outreach to Myanmarese
Participating in the Washing of the Feet, Maundy Thursday 2023

The BEC of St Peter and St Paul were formed in Section 10 Petaling Jaya, following the call by the late Rev. Fr. Peter Kim Se-Mang, S.J. to establish Basic Ecclesial Communities (BECs), which were meant to be ‘little churches’ across each neighbourhood.

The early days of the BEC were not without challenges. But our Catholic community families persevered. We came together and organized a range of activities suitable for all ages, from devotions, faith-sharing reflection sessions, social gatherings, festive-themed activities, to organized outings and pilgrimages, as well outreach programs for the less fortunate, fundraising efforts, and animating weekend Masses.

Through these various activities, the BECs of St Peter and St Paul thrived and moved forward like a well-oiled machine, forming strong bonds and lifelong friendships among members. These relationships extended beyond mere acquaintanceship, resembling extended families living in the same neighbourhood.

As the years passed, the children of the BECs grew up and some eventually moved away, while many families also migrated overseas, leaving behind a smaller community with changing demographics. Now, our BEC is an aging community, with members facing the limitations and frailties of growing older. Despite this, we remain steadfast in our commitment to keeping the community alive and active, as they did in the early days.

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in 2020, it presented new challenges for our BECs, as it did for communities around the world. Despite the unprecedented setback, our members rose to the occasion and adapted to the new normal, finding ways to keep in touch and continue devotions through digital platforms. When it became safe to gather again physically, we organized themed gatherings to have fun and re-engage with one another.

In the Acts of the Apostles, we see God opening the door of faith for the early Christians in their homes. The Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) is a continuation of that opening, providing a space for people to come together and grow in their faith, fellowship, and charity. Despite the changing demographics and challenges faced by the BEC of St Peter and St Paul, our community remains steadfast in our commitment to these values. We understand that our work is a continuation of the work that the early Christians began, and we are proud to be a part of that legacy.

If you are looking for a way to give back to your community and grow in your faith journey, join our BEC of St Peter and St Paul. By joining us, you too can continue the work and help create a vibrant and dynamic community that inspires and encourages others.


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