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Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (CIC)

Objective of the Course
(a) To assist the candidates to know and grow in the Catholic faith
(b) To instil a sense of appreciation and love for himself/herself and God’s creation
(c) To create an awareness of his/her commitment towards the family and others.

The Course Comprises of 2 Parts:
(a) Pre-Baptism: Preparation of the candidates for Rite of Baptism
(b) Post-Baptism: Preparation of the candidates for Rite of Reconciliation

The Course Duration
The course will take about 8-9 months to complete, inclusive of the Pre and Post baptism dates. Each class will take approximately 1 hour from 10 am till 11 am each Sunday. Below is the breakdown in weeks.

(a) Total number of weeks planned – 39 weeks
(b) Total number of Public Holiday/School Holidays/Rest Days – 12 weeks
(c) Total number of weeks candidates are expected to attend classes – 27 weeks
(d) Total number of teaching weeks/lesson time – 24 weeks

Important Dates for Various Rites
(a) Rite of Initiation/Election and Baptism of Candidates
(b) Rite of Reconciliation of Baptised Candidates

Class Venues
All classes will be held at St Staniklaus Kostka Hall, Church of St Francis Xavier every Sunday. Any changes in venue, will be duly informed.

Class Guidelines
(a) The candidate is required to attend ALL Sunday School (CIC) classes planned for him/her.
(b) If the candidate fails to attend 3 consecutive classes, the candidate will have to attend replacement sessions, for the missed lessons, in order to have meaningful continuity of their faith formation, with the particular catechist-in-charge. 
(c) Candidates are required to be punctual because classes are held for only an hour weekly. 
(d) Parents/Guardians are encouraged to take an active interest in overseeing/supervising their children’s faith studies and journey as much as possible. 
(e) If a public holiday falls on Sunday, there will be no CIC classes on that day. Kindly refer to the timetable/Parish Calendar for more details.
(f) Please inform the facilitator-in-charge when your child is unable to come for classes. (Kindly refer to the timetable for the facilitator’s contact details)

(g) Candidates must attend all classes to prepare for the Rite of Reconciliation after their Baptism.
(h) Essentials for the classes are a Bible, an exercise book or writing materials, a folder and pen/pencils.
(i) Original names can be retained or another name can be given to the candidate for the Baptism Rite, if parents/Godparents with to do so.
(j) Sponsors/Godparents are required for the candidate to help them walk in their journey of FAITH and must be present with the candidate for the Rite of Initiation and Baptism. Sponsors/Godparents must be a practising Catholics.
(k) Any changes in the dates for these Rites will be duly informed in advance.

Patrick Lam

Chief Coordinator

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