Dear People of God,
Blessed Feast of St Francis Xavier to everyone. And lo, a fresh season of Advent is upon us!
For many of us, our first response might well be, “Where has the year gone? How is it that time has passed so quickly?” Yet, for others, it might have been a long drawn out year filled with difficulties and challenges which they cannot wait for it to end.
Advent turns a new chapter in our life as individuals, as family and as a parish community of faith. While the rest of the world gets busy with traditional year-end vacations, shopping and merriment, we are invited to turn from the busyness of ordinary time to the quiet anticipation of what Advent leads us to – God who comes to be with us – Emmanuel.
The next four-weeks in the Christian new liturgical calendar prepare us for the birth of God’s only begotten Son, Jesus. The word “Advent” comes from the Latin word adventus, which means “coming” or “arrival” of the long-promised Messiah. Accordingly, the Church invites us during Advent to reflect on themes of hope, peace, joy, and love —the virtues that are often forgotten in the rush and hurry of our busy lives, in a world that is really not so different from two thousand years ago, when on a silent night, a child was born into a world that couldn’t care less about him or anyone of such humble estate.
So, how will this year’s Advent find us? Hopeful or hopeless? Happy or sad? Anticipating or dreading? There is no right or wrong answer because Advent meets us where we are – right there in the circumstances of our lives. Whether good or bad, God is there for us and with us. Look out for a number of programs planned to help you enter into this season: start with participating fully in our Feast of St. Francis Xavier Triduum from 1 to 3 December; be spiritually reconciled with God at the Advent Penitential Service on 17 December; give a hand when church Xmas decorating comes around; enjoy the Christmas Cantata meticulously put together by our Music Ministry on 21 and 22 December; support fundraising activities organised after Sunday Masses and make new friends at the same time and where available, join in your BEC annual Christmas carolling. These are just some of the things we can do to make our waiting a meaningful one. May the Lord’s birth find us ready to welcome and serve him among the poor, the voiceless and the lonely.
Two thousand years ago, the Lord was given a poor reception when He arrived. But not for us, who now know better; Maranatha! Come Lord Jesus, we are waiting.
Fr. Alvin Ng Sze Syn, SJ