Message from our Parish Priest

Message from our Parish Priest


Dear People of God,

We have concluded the Season of Lent and Eastertide 2024. We have celebrated Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum, exuberated in the Resurrection of our Lord, observed His Ascension back to the Father and revel in the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Thereafter, we stood in awe of our Trinitarian God and revered the Body of Christ at the feast of Corpus Christi. 

The liturgical colours went from purple to red, to white and now to the green of Ordinary Time. What a great 4 months of experiencing the richness of our Catholic faith and liturgical traditions here in SFX. The attendance for all these celebrations were record-breaking and a sign of the flock coming back to the fold of the church. All that took place was possible only with the assistance of countless ministries working hand in hand in the spirit of ecclesiastical synodality. As your parish priest, I have no words to express my gratitude beyond a simple, “Praise and thanks be to God, puji Tuhan selama lamanya!”

I would like to remind all that there is nothing “ordinary” about the Ordinary Times in the Church that we are now entering.

Citing this website :

“It’s tempting to think that Ordinary Time got its name because it is, well, ordinary, or non-exceptional, but that’s not really the case. Ordinary Time means ordered, or numbered, time and is derived from ordinal numbers (first, second, third, etc.) as opposed to cardinal numbers (one, two, three).”

Semantics aside, we are looking at an exciting second and third quarter of the year here in SFX. In addition to the regular formation sessions for catechism, RCIA and talks organised by various ministries, there is also our SFX Family Day, a full day formation on synodality by a former SFX Parish Priest, a Triduum cum formation to mark the Feast of St. Ignatius of Loyola featuring a visiting Jesuit academician, an Ignatian Eco-spiritual Retreat for youths, pilgrimages, and other programmes still in the planning stage. Look out for more information on our regular news sites. 

We have also re-commenced the distribution of our SFX Welcome Kit to all newcomers to the church at each weekend Mass. If you would like a set, simply approach one of our friendly hospitality ministers before or after Mass. Another nifty resource is a QR code for convenient access to our SFX website to stay updated on the latest happenings.

You will find this QR code displayed on all our notice boards and relevant places within the church compound.  

Truly, it is anything but ordinary in these wonderful months ahead at SFX. We look forward to seeing you. 

Fr. Alvin Ng Sze Syn, SJ

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