
I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats of this bread will live forever; and the bread that I will give for the life of the world is my flesh. –  John 6:51

What is the Eucharist?

No life flourishes without food and drink. Thus, the Eucharist offers the Body and Blood of Christ as food and drink for the spirit. As a ceremony, the Eucharist is both a meal that nourishes, as well as a sacrifice in which the death of Jesus is offered to the Father. The Eucharist is also the object of adoration among the faithful. Since the graces of all the other sacraments flow from the death and resurrection of Jesus, the Eucharist is considered the central sacrament of the Church.

First Holy Communion

Our First Holy Communion is designed as a faith journey for children between the age of seven to nine years old, and their parents to take part in it together. First Holy Communion preparation begins two years earlier, and concludes with First Holy Communion Mass in October or November.

For your child to receive First Holy Communion, he or she must be enrolled in our Religious Education classes for at least 2 years. Religious Education (RE) class registration is normally open in October or November for the following year’s RE classes. Announcement in the church bulletin will be made in September regarding registrations.

Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)

If you’re an adult seeking to receive your First Holy Communion or thinking about becoming a Catholic, your next step is RCIA.

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