“The Prophets in Our Liturgy” with Fr Gerard Theraviam- A Talk by SFX Firm Foundation Ministry
SFX Firm Foundation Ministry welcomes registration for ‘The Prophets in Our Liturgy’ on Thursdays 8 Aug & 22 Aug 2024, at 8.00pm, Loyola Hall, SFX. For further information and registration, please contact
“Safeguarding Against Cyber Scams” Talk by SFX Social Communications Ministry & Golden Seniors
“Safeguarding Against Cyber Scams” Co-organized by: SFX Social Communications Ministry & Golden Seniors Cybercriminals can easily manipulate their victims through email, social media, and WhatsApp. They create fake profiles or steal the identities of real people. Learn about common types of cyber scams, tips to detect fraud and how to stay safe online. The …
The Triduum Talk: “Ignatian Spirituality and Its Role in the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP)”
A Special Invitation to the Triduum Talks Ignatian Spirituality and Its Role in the Universal Apostolic Preferences (UAP) Join us in celebration of the Feast Day of Saint Ignatius of Loyola, founder of the Society of Jesus, with special Triduum talks delivered by Fr. Hung T. Pham, SJ, from the US Central-South Province of the …
“Women in the Bible” – A Talk by SFX Firm Foundation Ministry
The SFX Firm Foundation Ministry is organising a talk on “Women in the Bible” by Fr Alvin Ng, SJ. To register:
Message from our Parish Priest
Message from our Parish Priest Dear People of God, We have concluded the Season of Lent and Eastertide 2024. We have celebrated Holy Week and the Paschal Triduum, exuberated in the Resurrection of our Lord, observed His Ascension back to the Father and revel in the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. Thereafter, we stood …
Synodality for Parish Leadership Formation Session
“Synodality for Parish Leadership” Formation Session led by Fr Jojo Fung, SJ on Saturday, 15 June 2024, 9.00 am at Loyola Hall. All ministry CCs and parish group leaders are expected to attend. If unable, kindly send a representative. Please register by Wednesday, 12 June 2024: