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Bahasa Apostolate

The Bahasa Apostalate was founded in 2009 and consists mainly of university and college students who live in Petaling Jaya. What was a small group of students has now developed into a thriving community.

Most of the students, who hail from East Malaysia of Sabah or Sarawak, prefer to use Bahasa Malaysia as their introduction to prayer since it was the language they learnt in their hometown before migrating to Peninsular Malaysia for studies or work purposes. The first BM Mass in SFX was held in 2015. Since then, BM Mass is celebrated on the second Saturday of every month at 6.30 pm (Sunset Mass)

Bahasa Apostolate consists of 5 groups, namely:
1. RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

1st class of RCIA (BM) was held in 2010 every Saturday, at 7.30 pm The group has since grown and continues to be active today.

The group now caters for students or young working adults who speak Bahasa Malaysia and are looking to attend classes for Baptism, confirmation and 1st Holy Communion.

2. RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation of Children,)

Started in 2020 and comprises students aged 12 – 17 years.

3. CSS (Catholic Students Society -Founded in 2009)

Comprising college/university students who stay around Petaling Jaya, CSS members are actively involved across various Church services such as Choir, Readers, and Psalmist during Bahasa Mass. CSS is also well represented in the youth ministry.

4. Yang Diutus (YD -Founded in 2015).

Yang Diutus is a Christ Family consisting of working youth who are comfortable speaking Bahasa Malaysia and under the youth ministry. The idea of this association was mooted by Fr. Alberto Irenus, SJ when he noticed a transitionary group of students as well as working youth who continue to live or work around Petaling Jaya after completing their studies. This group is also open to all young adults who comes to KL for working purposes, especially to those who are more comfortable conversing in Bahasa Malaysia.

5. Married Couple (BM)

Founded in June 2022, Married Couple reflects the natural progression for those who started from the CSS (BM) group, and upon graduating, had continued with YD and later got married and started their own family here.

However, this group is also open to young couples who come to KL to work and are more comfortable conversing in Bahasa Malaysia.

Anita Sanie

013 557 8463

Chief Coordinator

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