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DISCIPLE is designed as a 34 session study, with sixteen sessions on the Old Testament, one session on the intertestamental period, and fifteen sessions on the New Testament. The final two sessions for identification of ministry and leadership roles in church building are conducted in a 3day-2night end-retreat. Each group has a maximum of 12 members who will individually study the Bible for 30 minutes daily and meet once a week to study the Bible. The group study includes an integral video component which provides a common base of information to group members as well as discussion and sharings based on the Scripture readings done for the week. The group meeting usually lasts for about 3 hours.

Since 1993, DISCIPLE Bible Study has helped many Catholics to overcome the kinds of difficulties related to just trying to read the Bible. It has helped them to better understand salvation history, to appreciate the relevance of the Old Testament to the New Testament and to appreciate the gospels and Paul’s letters in the establishment of the church. More than this, DISCIPLE has not only informed minds, but also transformed many lives as witnessed by the personal testimonies shared at the end of each study. More leaders have emerged through the years as each individual rises to the challenge of the gifts he has been blessed with. Many have come to a better understanding of what it means to be a true disciple of Christ, to be called to mission and to the new way of being Church.

Edwina Ling

012 421 8275
Chief Coordinator

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