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Care for Creation

In his encyclical Laudato SiPope Francis challenges us to Care for Our Common Home by growing in the theological virtues of faith, hope and charity. This means growing and living in a healthy relationship with God, with our neighbours and all creation.

The Care for Creation (C4C) Ministry in St Francis Xavier aims to fulfil its mission by addressing five areas of concern with a genuine hope to raise awarenessinspire change and drive action.


Our efforts are namely in these 5 areas:

1) Liturgy, Prayer & Spiritual Resources

Since all our efforts need to be grounded in prayer, the ministry’s liturgy, prayer and spiritual resources team will look at incorporating relevant intercessions and prayers within the Mass and prepare para-liturgical celebrations.  

2) Education and Awareness

This team will be tasked to create awareness and catechise adult parishioners to understand what it means to Care for Creation within the context of Catholic’s Social Teachings and Stewardship of the Earth. Also, to highlight how we can make good choices as stewards of creation within our local church, communities and homes.

3) Religious Education (RE)

To ensure the children and youth play an equally important role, this team will be tasked to work alongside Religious Education to catechise and create awareness, as well as engage them in simple but concrete activities.

4) Major and Minor Projects

This team will be tasked to coordinate the implementation of major and minor projects.

5) Training and Certification

Training and the eventual certification of our church is an end goal of this team. For a start, we will be conducting training courses to various church ministries and eventually to all parishioners via online platforms and face-to-face.

Kelvin Boey

012 203 6081
Chief Coordinator

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